ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2005

Golubeva A. A., Merkuryeva I. S., Shulakov N. A. Evaluation of City Government Web-Sites: The Case of St. Petersburg Executive Authorities

The paper presents the evaluation results of web penetration level, functional performance, effectiveness and usability of St. Petersburg executive government web-sites. Applied research methodology combines external and internal techniques for measurement of the web-sites development level. External analysis based on independent experts’ estimates suggests the existence of significant variation in accessibility and usability of currently maintained web-sites and implies the need of interactive elements development. The prior measure suggested for improvement of the government web-sites performance is an integration of agencies’ network presence. Accordingly, internal evaluation techniques are suggested as a basic tool for strategic planning, monitoring and development of the web-sites aimed at creation of integrated on-line government.

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