ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 4, 2007

Zayats O. I., Makarov V. M., Takina S. V. Perfection of Specific Stock-out and Residual Inventory Models for the Decision of Logistics Management Problems

The inventory management typical stochastic model, which is based on stock-out level calculation, is investigated in this article. Its basic shortcomings such as constant of variation of usage and residual inventory level independence are revealed. Upgraded model that include mentioned factors is suggested. Optimization method of safety stock is developed on the base of this model. The optimality criterion is the sum of stock-out penalty and carrying cost of inventory. Solution is presented as numerical results and tables of store management optimal parameters. Applicability range of this method is specified and calculation example is presented.

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