ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2010

Gladkikh I. V., Starov S. A., Matsuno K. Asahi Beer Enters the Russian Market.

The case is aimed at the discussion of the key issues in international marketing, including the issues of marketing strategy adaptation to local markets, global marketing strategy, maintaining brand identity in the global environment and considering the product’s country of origin in the marketing mix development. The case is based on the history of creation and international expansion of the beer brand Asahi Super Dry. Baltika Breweries produces the licensed beer Asahi Super Dry, and it is essential to ensure the success of the brand in Russia, when the market is saturated and Japan is not considered by consumers as a traditional producer of beer. Keywords: International Marketing Strategy, Standardization-Adaptation, Global Branding, Beer Market, Country of Origin Effect.

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