ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2011

Blagov Yu. E. Evolution of CSR Concept and the Strategic Management.

The article is dedicated to the interpretations of corporate social responsibility (CSR) concept in strategic management theory. The original periodization of the CSR concept evolution is presented, the nature of the main stages and phases are formulated, main related concepts and their methodological fundamentals are determined. The author analyzed the peculiarities of the CSR interpretations by the proponents of main strategic management concepts and found out the relevant research questions. He formulated the terms of the current CSR interpretations correctness in strategic management theory and grounded the necessity of the complex approach to obtaining competitive advantages based on CSR. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Responsibility Concept Evolution, Strategic Management Theory.

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