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Issue 1, 2012

Chanko A. D. Methodical Aspects of Business Disciplines Teaching in Top-Managers Groups.

The article examines method for improving the ability of teachers at business schools to utilize various interactive techniques to train executive managers in groups. The author addresses general principals of effective learning as well as a number of key aspects of adult learning such as «dynamic learning» and «dynamic knowledge» in reference to top-managers. The author discusses some of the key social-psychological problems of group management and patterns of group interactions between and within groups of executives. In the article recommendations are offered for different interactive methods such as group discussions, case studies, business simulations and role plays, and open space discussions within executive education courses and programs. Keywords: Business Disciplines, Business Teacher, Managerial Competences, Communicative Competence, Managerial and Communicative Skills, Dynamic Knowledge, Dynamic Learning, Interactive Group Methods, Group Dynamic.

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