ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2013

Solovieva D. V., Afanasieva S. V. Marketing Analysis of Brand Position: Complex Method.

The article deals with the present methods of brand position analysis, their limitations and defects. The author’s complex analysis method is presented. The method is based on the definition of brand position as the place on market taken as a result coactions of the target audience representation about brand and the influence of macro and micro marketing forces on the brand. The method consists of indicators system, analysis algorithm and series analysis models. It describes the brand in the form of formalized characteristics series and allows the position comparison of the brand analyzed with the position of competing brands as well as estimation of brand position considering response market actors. The method allows brand position analysing in the context of market opportunities and threats and the estimation of brand position competitiveness and effectiveness in the terms of the contribution to the company goals. The method can be used for training and substantiation of brand management strategic solution, namely, to form and estimate strategic alternative acts of brand growth, improvement, repositioning and elimination. Keywords: branding, brand, brand positioning, the market brand position, the analysis of the market brand position.

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