ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2013

Muravyev A. A., Garanina T. A. Development of Master Programs in Russian Universities: How to React on the Diversity of Applicants and Students?

One of key features of Master programs is significant diversity of applicants and students stemming from the fact that many applicants change the field of study when they come from Bachelor to Master Program. That is why the questions of intake criteria and adaptation of study programs are of great importance in Master programs. Based on detailed data on Master in Management Programs at the Graduate School of Management, St.Petersburg University (GSOM SPbU) and using statistical methods, this article investigates the relationship between main characteristics of students (including the entry exam results) and their subsequent academic performance at the Master program. The results indicate the effectiveness of entry exams on Master in Management Programs at GSOM SPbU and also suggest several ways of adaptation of students with different backgrounds to the requirements of these programs. The analysis undertaken is an example of monitoring of educational programs at the Master level that can be applied in other universities. Keywords: student selection criteria, intake and study on Master programs, entry exams, academic progress.

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