ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2013

Yuldasheva O. U. Company’s Repositioning and Rebranding on the Financial Brokerage Market (Case Study).

Case is devoted to the problem of repositioning and re-branding consulting company on the growth stage of its life cycle on the financial brokerage market. In the focus — the problem of optimal services portfolio development and the transformation services into products (complex standard customer solutions) for market promotion. The case include a description of the specific features of internal and external company’s environment, the repositioning and rebranding research methodology in the consulting field, including research of key customers, partners and employees, competitive analysis, benchmarking of the foreign similar companies positioning, evaluation of brand perception stakeholders, building a semantic brand code, the positioning strategy. The main purpose of case study is the development of the repositioning and rebranding technique and to discuss possible areas of improvement. The specifics of the renaming technology is discussed as a part of rebranding. Keywords: repositioning strategy, rebranding strategy, renaming, semantic brand code, marketing strategy consulting firm.

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