ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2014

Vetrova T. V. Сontemporary Marketing Practices: Development History of the Project and Directions of Adaptation to the Russian Conditions

Modern business conditions require a revision of the traditional concept of marketing and existing marketing tools. The materials of the international project Contemporary Marketing Practices are considered in the article. This project is the methodological basis for monitoring of marketing activities in 17 countries. For Russia it is very important that research uses comprehensive approach, assuming, on the one hand, the combination of alternative marketing concepts, on the other hand — the adaptation to different industry and geographic markets. The methodology of the project offers the tools for typologization of companies in terms of marketing practices used, as well as the key indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing. This article describes the methodology, development stages, and also the results of factor analysis in order to show the directions of adaptation of the methodology to the Russian conditions. Keywords: contemporary marketing practices relationship marketing, transactional marketing, database marketing, e-marketing, interactive marketing, network marketing.

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