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Issue 2, 2014

Shirokova G. V., Bystrova Yu. E. Organizational Changes in Russian New Ventures as a Factor of Success.

This article represents results of the research devoted to investigation of the relationship between various types of organizational changes and Russian new ventures’ performance. Hypotheses on the difference in new ventures’ performance, which conduct technological and administrative changes such as the introduction of new knowledge management systems, new methods of distribution responsibilities among employees, changes in the management structure and outsourcing of operations for the first time, in comparison with those which do not, are tested. The empirical study is carried out on 1129 Russian new ventures from the database Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS), collected in 2012. This study reveals significant difference in new ventures’ performance, which conduct technological changes due to limited access to the resources for such firms and unfavorable conditions for modernization due to low level of innovation development in the country. Also positive effect of administrative changes was confirmed. New knowledge management system represents exception due to low quality management and dysfunctional knowledge management in Russia nowadays. Key words: organizational change, administrative change, technological change, new venture, firm performance, emerging markets.

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