ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2014

Tsybova V. S., Zavyalova E. K. Human Resource Management Practices in the Innovation- Active Companies.

In the frame of modern economy, innovation activity of the company turn into a key source of its competitive advantage, and research of incentive stimulus of innovations becomes a topical issue. In the literature there are evidences that human resource management has an impact on company’s performance as well as on innovative outcomes of organizations. However, this relationship can be described as a complex and multifactorial that greatly complicates the analysis and interpretation. A new scientific direction, the object of which is innovative work behavior, is aimed at studying the role of human factor in the innovation process. This article discusses the features of management of innovative behavior in Russian and foreign innovation-active companies. In the paper was conducted a theoretical analysis of the approaches to the study of this problem. Moreover, authors present the results of an empirical study based on a survey of top management of 94 innovatively active companies and non-innovative organizations. The paper analyzes the HRM practices used in companies and indicators of innovative work behavior. Authors concluded that the relationship of HRM practices and innovative activity is mediated by the development of innovative work behavior of employees. Keywords: innovative work behavior, human resource management, innovatively active companies.

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