ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2014

Khomich S. G. Intercompany Cooperation in Innovation: The Theoretical Foundations.

Although the research has investigated the phenomenon of the intercompany cooperation both in general and in the innovation context the fragmented nature of research in this field indicates the remaining need for the comprehensive study of this phenomenon. We address this question by studying the large sample of theoretical and empirical studies conducted in the field of cooperation in innovation and other related areas. The results of the analysis and systematization of publications represented in this article are the following: the specification of the levels of cooperation in innovation; the classification of factors influencing the collaborative innovation; the description of the possible relationships between these factors, level of cooperation and innovation types; the list of indicators that can reflect the impact of cooperation on the innovative and business performance of companies. The obtained results are reflected in the complex model that represents the influence of cooperation on innovative performance. This model can be used as a basis for the further empirical research, as well as for the development of the practical recommendations for building a system of mutually beneficial cooperative relationships to enhance the company innovation capability. Keywords: interfirm cooperation, innovation, collaborative innovation, innovation activity, process innovation, product innovation, radical innovation, incremental innovation, innovative performance.

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