ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 1, 2015

Mersianova I. V., Ivanova N. V., Korneeva I. E. Fundraising as a Factor of the Nonprofit Sector Sustainable Development.

The article focuses on the role of fundraising in the sustainable development of nongovernmental nonprofit organizations (NPOs). Components of NPO’s financial sustainability have been analyzed. It has been shown that fundraising which ensures tapping and accumulating funding from various sources for the implementation of programs, plays the key role in attaining financial sustainability. Fundraising has been shown to have an essentially marketing nature which raises the need of improving the quality of marketing training for NPO leaders and staff. The article concludes with recommendations on improving the effectiveness of attracting funds from different sources to NPO budgets. Keywords: nongovernmental nonprofit organizations, nonprofit sector, fundraising, sustainability.

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