ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2015

Shirokova G. V., Laskovaya A. K. Eff ectuation Concept: Stages of Development and Main Research Directions.

The purpose of this study is to provide an analysis of main research on effectuation theory published in academic journals in 1998–2014. The analysis identified the stages of development, main directions of effectuation studies and research areas in which effectual logic has not been studied yet. The most of effectuation research are conceptual, based on development of theoretical models and assumptions on the results of a literature review, or qualitative studies, based on case-studies. A number of studies are empirical testing of the formulated hypotheses by quantitative methods of analysis. The analysis of the literature suggests that development of effectuation theory is at the stage of transition from nascent to intermediate state, which is characterized by a focus on conceptual works and increasing number of empirical studies. Keywords: effectuation, causation, cognitive logic, entrepreneurial decisions, literature analysis.

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