ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2015

Panibratov A. Yu., Ermolaeva L. A., Abramkov A. E. Th e Liability of Foreignness in the Internationalization Process of Russian Energy Companies.

The paper studies phenomenon of liability of foreignness (LOF) occurring during internationalization process of Russian companies. The authors examine influence of country of origin effect as main aspect of LOF on companies’ internationalization and investigate the mechanisms affecting this effect on Russian companies. Main sources of competitive advantages necessary to overcome LOF effects are analyzed in the paper. Based on the case of largest Russian energy company Inter RAO UES, authors define factors influencing company’ competitive advantages in order to be successful in foreign markets. Potentially attractive markets are analyzed to identify most suitable strategy for decreasing negative effects of LOF. Keywords: Russian MNCs, liability of foreignness, country of origin effect, energy sector, Inter RAO UES.

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