ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2015

Alsufyev A. I., Zavyalova E. K., Ardichvili А., Li J., Cornachione E., Yadav S. Approaches to Human Resource Development in Innovation-Active Companies of BRIC Countries.

The purpose of this article is theoretical and empirical exploration of approaches to personnel training and development in innovation-active companies of the BRIC countries in the context of convergence and divergence theory. This paper analyzes approaches to personnel training and development used by innovation-active companies of the BRIC countries. The comparative analysis of approaches to personnel training and development within innovation-active companies is provided. Based on the Lawler questionnaire, expert interviews with representatives of top management of 131 innovation-active companies of the BRIC countries were conducted. Socio-economic and cultural contexts were considered as the main factors influencing the choice of approaches and practices of personnel training and development. The survey took place in 2011–2013. Results of the analysis of information sources and conducted empirical study enabled to conclude that there are both universal and context specific approaches to personnel training and development in innovation-active companies of the BRIC countries. In general, the approaches used can be estimated as hybrid. The study limitations are related to the use of subjective indicators from the expert interviews, the small sample size, and misbalance in the availability of academic information on HRM of BRIC companies. From the managerial point of view, this study contributes to understanding of the cultural component in human resource management. This cultural specificity should be taken into account by managers of the companies operating in the international environment and when deciding about localization or standardization of management practices. The study represents the first attempt of comparative analysis of approaches to personnel development and training in companies considering innovation activity as not only their goal, but also the condition for their countries to develop. Keywords: personnel training and development, BRIC, comparative analysis, innovation-active companies.

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