ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 4, 2012

Holtbrugge D., Kreppel H. Russian Multinationals in Germany: Brand Image and Employer Attractiveness.

The article describes aт analysis of brand image of products made by Russian firms as well as employer attractiveness of Russian firms in Germany, based on a sample of 193 responses received through a cross-sectional mall-intercept survey and on a sample of 218 responses collected through an empirical study of the working population. It has been argued that the negative country-of-origin effect induces Russian firms to concentrate on those market segments where the negative image is not so strong and to apply appropriate marketing tools to create a positive brand image of the firm’s products. This study shows also that the employer attractiveness of Russian companies differs significantly among industries. The automotive and consulting sectors are ranked at the lower end with regard to Russian employers. Most respondents would like to work in Russian firms in the transport & logistics industry. Another result is the higher relevance of compensation and job security as HR practices, while the relevance of career advancement and training is much lower. Keywords: Russian MNEs, Country-of-origin Effect, Brand Image, Employer Attractiveness, HR Practices.

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