ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2013

Dermanov V. K. The Economic Development: Problems of Theory.

The article offers an approach allowing to disclose the concept of “economic development”. The notion of economic development has several dimensions: quantitative measurement (growth), qualitative dimension (structure), temporal dimension (duration, oscillating character, unevenness, heterochrony). In addition to that there are also social, human and environmental dimensions. This article focuses only on the first three. A distinctive feature of our approach is the integration of the time factor into the theory of economic development. It is the time factor in economic processes that helps to understand their irreversibility and unevenness. Paper also emphasize that the integration of the time factor into the theory of economic development links into a single whole quantitative changes (growth), qualitative changes (structure) and oscillating character of economic processes, and makes growth and structure interdependent parts of economic development. Keywords: economic development, economic growth, time, structure, cycle, unevenness.

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