ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2013

Cherenkov V. I. General Theory of Marketing: State of the Art and Approaches to Its Development.

Current problems of and approaches to developing the general theory of marketing are considered in the present paper. Previous and not-well-known in Russia, relevant for developing the said theory concepts and suggestions are coined. A theoretical proposition concerning the possibility to develop the general theory of marketing using the contemporary points of service dominant logic and stakeholder marketing is formulated. The author’s approach to building a core of the emphatically-communicative general theory of marketing is described. The paper is concluded by the assertion stating scholastic as well as pragmatic values and the role of the general theory of marketing for the Russian economic science. Keywords: cognitive psychology, cost-value model, emphatically-communicative approach, exchange, global marketing environment, matching filtering, networking, relationship marketing, service dominant logic, stakeholder marketing.

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