ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2016

Blagov E. Yu., Gilenko E. V., Bashlykova A. S. Cross-Cultural Dimensions Diff erential as a Method for Analyzing In-Group Processes in Cross-Cultural Teams.

The purpose of the study represented in the article was to create and empirically test a method of analyzing in-group processes in cross-cultural teams, based on looking into the differentials between the highest and lowest values of cultural dimensions (e.g., power distance, uncertainty avoidance, etc.) between the group participants. Empirical testing of the suggested method is done on the sample of cross-cultural student teams working on group projects while studying at GSOM SPbU Bachelor and Master educational programs. The differentials of such cultural dimensions as power distance, uncertainty avoidance, gender equality, institutional collectivism and in-group collectivism are analyzed as factors influencing the project participants’ subjective perception of the team’s efficiency and effectiveness of working on the project. The results of the study revealed the statistically significant results consistent with the theoretical models and empirical research results present in contemporary cross-cultural management literature, and also affording to look into the in-group mechanisms of how does the cross-cultural factors balance in the group does influence the parameters of the team work. Thus, the suggested method demonstrates theoretical novelty and originality, as it is deepening existing methods of cross-cultural team research. The practical implications of the suggested method and the results of its empirical testing is also evident, allowing constructing teams for performing different project task types being based on differentials of cultural dimensions analyzed in this research. However, the results of the research have certain limitations, based on the relatively small size of the research sample, consisting of 84 respondents, which is more or less suitable for the pilot study but is undoubtedly small for a full-fledged empirical research. Thus, although the suggested research method demonstrates to be valid and the results of its empirical testing are consistent with theory and results of acknowledged empirical studies, the empirical research component of the study needs to be repeated on the bigger samples. Keywords: cross-cultural management, cross-cultural teams, in-group processes, GLOBE model.

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