ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2017

Sheresheva M. Yu., Valitova L. A., Berezka S. M. Consumer Behavior of the Russians Aged 50+: Pilot Study.

The pilot study discussed in the paper aims to gain preliminary data for comparative analysis of consumer behavior of Russians aged 50+ living in megapolis and small towns. In order to meet the objective of the research, qualitative and quantitative techniques were combined. On the first stage of the field research, six focus groups were conducted in March 2016 in Moscow and Vladimir, to assess opinions of experts related to older people in Russia, as well as opinions of seniors themselves. Based on the analysis of the empirical data, consumer behavior of older age cohorts (aged 50+) was defined, as well as differences in the needs and preferences between seniors in Moscow and seniors of small cities in the Vladimir region. The pilot study has shown that there are differences in the consumer behavior of older Russians living in Moscow and in small towns of the Vladimir region. Seniors’ consumer behavior was described, the heterogeneity of this target audience was confirmed. The unmet demand for a number of goods and services for older consumers was revealed. This paper adds to the literature on consumer behavior by bringing new evidence and proposes new opportunities to create products and services for senior consumers. Keywords: consumer behavior, 50+ consumers, customer value, marketing, megacity, small towns, Russia.

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