ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2017

Nefedov K. S., Panibratov A. Yu. Global Value Chain Analysis: Main Dimensions and Further Research Agenda.

In this paper we provide an overview of the origins and development of the global value chain (GVC) concept and group extant research in the field according to different aspects of the GVC analysis in order to identify promising areas for further research. Institutional dimension of the GVC analysis is emphasized in terms of the specifics of emerging-market multinational enterprises (EMNEs). Based on a detailed review and systematization of the extant research in the field two main areas for further research are identified. Firstly, the influence of institutional distance between different countries taking part in GVCs on GVC configuration parameters (governance type, geographical distribution of GVC operations and GVC upgrading type) and secondly, the role of various contracting methods (outsourcing, offshoring, franchizing, etc., as opposed to traditional foreign direct investment) in the configuration and improvement of GVC operations. Thus institutional and geographical aspects of the GVC analysis as well as upgrading in GVCs in the context of EMNEs are identified to be the most promising areas for future research in the field. Keywords: global value chains, global commodity chains, emerging-market multinational enterprises, institutional dimension of the GVC analysis.

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