ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2020

Akhunzhanova I. N., Lunev A. P., Tomashevskaya Yu. N., Koshkarov A. V., Gamidov S. S. Adchocratic approach to management in the higher education system: Case of the Astrakhan State University.

Currently, state institutions of higher education are under pressure from business, the population and the state, which leads to the creation of conditions for dynamic changes in the internal environment of universities. This contradiction between the internal and external environment of universities in the conditions of dynamically changing markets at the post-industrial stage has a negative impact on institutional efficiency, and in these conditions, with the acceleration of instability, a third managerial structure begins to appear that can satisfy the demand for innovations organizations to hybrid universities, which combine a professional, administrative bureaucracy and adhocracy, with no severe restrictions in its structure. In this regard, the authors adapted the features of adhocratic organizations to the conditions of higher education, considered the possibility of applying an adhocratic approach to building the structure and design of an organization on the example of the Astrakhan State University, and identified a number of factors that limit the spread of adhocracy in Russian universities. The main results of the study and the following conclusions were obtained: the organization of training should be carried out on the principles of teamwork for the implementation of complex innovative projects, for which it is necessary to create and develop an appropriate facilities and resources; socialization is one of the key practical models for preparing students in the context of project-based learning and an adhocratic approach; any adhocratic system is a self-learning system, the formation of which requires the creation of appropriate conditions for training and development of university staff; the transition from a professional university to an adhocratic one must be carried out gradually, combining both forms of bureaucracy and adhocracy. Keywords: administrative adhocracy, operational adhocracy, university model of socialization, project training, international initiative Conceive — Design — Implement — Operate.

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