ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 3, 2022

Skripko L. Е. Adoption of views on quality management.

The article analyzes and discusses different approaches to the periodization of scientific research on quality management problems that appeared over the last 120 years. Based on the analysis, the study proposes the author’s model of this scientific field development which includes three stages and describes each of them. The issues of periodization of the evolution of scientific knowledge are not popular and do not carry a practical orientation, however, without the systematization of the studied issues, it is impossible to understand the mechanisms of the emergence of new ideas, to assess the prospects and a long-term use of them as well as to predict the development of scientific fields. The consideration of the history of the development of quality management, which includes more than one century of doing various studies, is no exception. However, there is no generally accepted view on the retrospective of the stage-by-stage development of these scientific studies, which may cause a lack of understanding whether to include certain issues or not. Consideration of four- and seven-stage models shows a lack of clear transition from one dominant paradigm to another, it is not always possible to distinguish a period of “normal science” in each of the stages; for some stages there are no concepts that lose their relevance due to the anomalies that have appeared, and which should be discarded at the next stage of development. Therefore, there is a need for a retrospective analysis of evolutionary approaches to the transformation of views on quality management from modern positions. Keywords: quality management, TQM, transformation of scientific views, stages of scientific field development.

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