ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2010

Gladkova M. A., Zenkevich N. A., Berezinets I. V. Model of Product Quality Choice and Internet-Trading Case Study.

In the paper the product quality evaluation and quality choice mechanism in case of competition is suggested. It is based on the estimation of price Nash-equilibrium and optimal quality differentiation. According to the suggested mechanism two-stage game-theoretical model is analyzed when production companies compete on some industrial market and consumer’s taste to quality in non-uniformly distributed. The solution in equilibrium was obtained in explicit form which allowed us to evaluate prices, companies market shares and revenues in equilibrium. A case study for Internet-trading systems was used to approve the suggested quality choice mechanism. Keywords: Quality Evaluation, Quality Measurement, Consumer’s Taste to Quality, Quality Choice, Two-Stage Game, Nash Equilibrium, Stackelberg Equilibrium, Pareto-Optimal Solution, Optimal Quality Differentiation, Composite Index of Consumers Satisfaction.

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