ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2010

Blagov Yu. E. Corporate Social Responsibility: Challenges to the Management Education.

The paper examines the issues of embedding of the CSR into Russian management education. The author reviews the reasons for the growing interest in this field, emphasizing their global nature. It is noted that the establishment of systemic approach to the CSR teaching demands the CSR «mainstreaming» as well as the considering of the management education formats peculiarities. Special attention is paid to the approaches to the compulsory CSR course development in accordance with the requirements of the third generation of federal educational standard for Bachelors in Management. The importance of the relevant research activities and international collaboration with professional associations is emphasized. The case of the Ethical code for the Graduate School of Management at St. Petersburg State University is presented. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Management Education, Educational Standards.

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