ВЕСТНИК Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия менеджмент.
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Issue 2, 2010

Bukharova E. B., Vitkovskaya L. K., Eliyasheva M. I. The Experience of the Creation of Managerial Multilevel Educational System at Siberian Federal University.

The article considers the experience and results of the creation of managerial multilevel educational system at Siberian Federal University. Key conditions and factors are analyzed in the article as well, which at present determine the perspective for the development of this educational activity. Authors describe the logics of the development of managerial education at Siberian Federal University based on the experience of institutes affiliated to Siberian Federal University. Keywords: Federal University, Branch Specialization of Managerial Training, Functional Specialization of Managerial Training, the Model for Managerial Education, Multilevel Education.

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