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Issue 1, 2017

Muravskii D. V., Smirnova M. M. Brand Alliances in Contemporary Marketing Theory

The article presents the main approaches to the definition and study of brand alliances, and the modern state of the respected field of studies is characterized. Th e terms “brand alliance” and “cobranding” are compared, the scope and place of the brand alliance concept in marketing theory are described. It has been demonstrated that the basis for the study of this phenomenon is a joint presentation of two or more brands to the consumer, but depending on the context of research the formation of brand alliances can be analyzed as a branding tool of marketing alliance creation or a brand strategy. These results contribute to the scientific discussion by addressing gaps in the given field of knowledge, which are related to its fragmented nature and the need to establish a universal terminological apparatus. On the basis of the conducted analysis the topical issues in the field of brand alliances study have been allocated. The analysis of brand alliances is associated with its development and further consolidation of its place as an integral part of marketing science. Key words: brand alliances, co-branding, strategic alliances, marketing alliances.

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