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Issue 1, 2017

Alexandrovskiy S. V., Fomenkov D. A. Brand Personality Evaluation: The Case of Universities in Nizhny Novgorod.

Russian universities are eager to strengthen their competitiveness on Russian and foreign markets via promoting and developing universities’ brands. Evaluation of universities’ current brand position is one of the key strategic goals for Russian universities. The purpose of this study is to develop the set of 23 brand personality traits for brand evaluation of Russian universities. According to design of the study, one hundred and ninety eight students and graduates evaluated three brands of competitive Russian universities from a large Russian city (Nizhny Novgorod) by the set of personality traits. Based on evaluations, three factors of brand personality for surveyed Russian universities: «Trendy», «Expert», «Outgoing» were found. The study utilized a limited sample. Future studies should include more universities from other Russian cities for generalization of research findings. Brand personalities of three Russian universities were evaluated and compared through identified factors. Applications of observed traits and factors exist in fields of strategic brand management, positioning and promotion of Russian universities. Keywords: brand personality, university brand, brand evaluation, Russian university.

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